The ConcePTION kick-off meeting took place in Amsterdam, The Netherland on the 2nd and 3rd of April 2019.
The meeting aimed to gather all the consortium members, get to know each other, share knowledge, best practises and discuss the work plan for the upcoming year(s).
The meeting was opened by Miriam Sturkenboom, from the UMC Utrecht and coordinator of the project, who noted that ConcePTION is an opportunity for stakeholders to join efforts and knowledge. After the opening, Ida Niklson, from Novartis and project lead, and Nathalie Seigneuret, project officer from IMI, emphasized the need for the project and unique variety of stakeholder coming together with a shared vision; there is a societal obligation to radically and rapidly reduce uncertainty about the safety of medication use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The meeting was attended by over 120 people, including representatives from each of the 51 beneficiaries as well as 10 people from the projects third parties and IMI.